Coming Soon…
Monday, January 13th
- ReadWorks article, “Bug Power” and questions due
- Reading NWEA
- Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
- Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
- Warneck Special Class: Music
Tuesday, January 14th
- Reading NWEA
- Guyot Special Class: Art
- Kalis Special Class: Music
- Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
Wednesday, January 15th
- Timber! Metroparks Presentation
- Jan Richardson Next Steps Reading Assessment
- Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
- Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
- Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
Thursday, January 16th
- Edmentum Trophies due
- MSTEP Week 8 Vocabulary Quiz & Crossword due
- Language Arts NWEA
- MSTEP Homework Packet #4 due
- Guyot Special Class: Music
- Kalis Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
- Warneck Special Class: Art
Friday, January 17th
- No School (Staff Professional Development)
English Language Arts
Our next ReadWorks article is Bug Power”. It was assigned on Tuesday, January 7th and will be due on Monday, January 13th.
Please encourage your child to read the article, use the digital tools to mark up the text, and find evidence when answering the questions. We are also encouraging students to complete any short answer questions using complete sentences by restating the question in their answer. As a class, we will practice test taking strategies while reviewing the answers to the questions together. Students earning less than an 80% will then be provided an opportunity to revise their answers. We are trying to not only encourage students to be more thoughtful when answering questions the first time, but also allowing students to use the modeled strategies in future ReadWorks article assignments. Students that pay attention during the review will do well with this weekly assignment.
**Weekly Homework**
Below is your child’s weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.
This homework assignment was sent home Thursday, December 19th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark-up the text” to show evidence of answers. We are encouraging students to complete any short answer questions using complete sentences by restating the question in their answer. Thank you!
This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check. Please do not assist your child with this task. This program is set at your child’s level. If they get answers correct when assisted by an adult, the questions will become too difficult too quickly which will raise a student’s frustration level. When students struggle, not only are we building grit, but also the program will adjust to a lower academic level.
Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies. Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.
**MSTEP Preparation**
On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.
MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #8
Cell Phone/Smart Watches
We understand that your student(s) may have a cell phone or smart watch for after school communication with a parent or guardian. We ask that all cell phones/smart watches stay in backpacks during the school day to allow your students to focus on their academics, until students are outside at the end of the day. If a student has their phone out or if they are wearing their watch during the school day, our staff will take the phone/watch until the end of the day or bring it to the front office. This is to prevent any videos or photos being taken during the school day or text messages being sent.
Pictures of the Week