January 12, 2025

Coming Soon…

Monday, January 13th

  • ReadWorks article, “Bug Power” and questions due
  • Reading NWEA
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, January 14th

  • Reading NWEA
  • Guyot Special Class: Art
  • Kalis Special Class: Music
  • Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)

Wednesday, January 15th

  • Timber! Metroparks Presentation
  • Jan Richardson Next Steps Reading Assessment
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, January 16th

Friday, January 17th

  • No School (Staff Professional Development)


English Language Arts


Our next ReadWorks article is Bug Power”. It was assigned on Tuesday, January 7th and will be due on Monday, January 13th.

Please encourage your child to read the article, use the digital tools to mark up the text, and find evidence when answering the questions. We are also encouraging students to complete any short answer questions using complete sentences by restating the question in their answer. As a class, we will practice test taking strategies while reviewing the answers to the questions together. Students earning less than an 80% will then be provided an opportunity to revise their answers. We are trying to not only encourage students to be more thoughtful when answering questions the first time, but also allowing students to use the modeled strategies in future ReadWorks article assignments. Students that pay attention during the review will do well with this weekly assignment.

**Weekly Homework**

Below is your child’s weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Thursday, December 19th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark-up the text” to show evidence of answers. We are encouraging students to complete any short answer questions using complete sentences by restating the question in their answer. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check. Please do not assist your child with this task. This program is set at your child’s level. If they get answers correct when assisted by an adult, the questions will become too difficult too quickly which will raise a student’s frustration level. When students struggle, not only are we building grit, but also the program will adjust to a lower academic level.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.

**MSTEP Preparation**

On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.

MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #8


Cell Phone/Smart Watches

We understand that your student(s) may have a cell phone or smart watch for after school communication with a parent or guardian. We ask that all cell phones/smart watches stay in backpacks during the school day to allow your students to focus on their academics, until students are outside at the end of the day. If a student has their phone out or if they are wearing their watch during the school day, our staff will take the phone/watch until the end of the day or bring it to the front office. This is to prevent any videos or photos being taken during the school day or text messages being sent.


Pictures of the Week


December 22, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, January 6th

  • ReadWorks article, “A Day on the Slopes” and questions due
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, January 7th

Wednesday, January 8th

  • Begin Math NWEA
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, January 9th

  • Math NWEA
  • MSTEP Homework Packet #3 due
  • Guyot Special Class: Music
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Warneck Special Class: Art

Friday, January 10th

  • Edmentum Trophies due
  • MSTEP Week 7 Vocabulary Quiz & Crossword due
  • Vocabulary Quiz (Martina the Beautiful Cockroach)
  • Comprehension Quiz (Martina the Beautiful Cockroach)
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)


English Language Arts


Our next ReadWorks article is “A Day on the Slopes”. It was assigned on Tuesday, December 17th and will be due on Monday, January 6th.

Please encourage your child to read the article, use the digital tools to mark up the text, and find evidence when answering the questions. We are also encouraging students to complete any short answer questions using complete sentences by restating the question in their answer.As a class, we will practice test taking strategies while reviewing the answers to the questions together. Students earning less than an 80% will then be provided an opportunity to revise their answers. We are trying to not only encourage students to be more thoughtful when answering questions the first time, but also allowing students to use the modeled strategies in future ReadWorks article assignments. Students that pay attention during the review will do well with this weekly assignment.

**Weekly Homework**

Below is your child’s weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Thursday, December 19th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark-up the text” to show evidence of answers. We are encouraging students to complete any short answer questions using complete sentences by restating the question in their answer. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check. Please do not assist your child with this task. This program is set at your child’s level. If they get answers correct when assisted by an adult, the questions will become too difficult too quickly which will raise a student’s frustration level. When students struggle, not only are we building grit, but also the program will adjust to a lower academic level.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.

**MSTEP Preparation**

On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.

MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #7


Guidelines for Cold Weather Gear

In an effort to keep our students safe and healthy, please plan to send your child to school with the following gear based on morning temperatures. Please keep in mind that we do have an outside recess in the morning when the temperatures are much chillier than later in the day.


January Exercise Calendar






















Hot Cocoa Reading Challenge   

Hot-cocoa GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

We all know that reading is so very important. We are encouraging students to complete the marshmallow tasks (each marshmallow = 30 minutes), attach to the mug, decorate it, cut out, and return to your teacher by Tuesday, January 7th. All students who have completed 10 marshmallow tasks or 300 minutes of reading over the break will be awarded with a Swiss Miss hot cocoa in class. A hard copy was distributed to your child the week before break.

Hot Cocoa Reading Challenge


Welcome to Arno!

Please give a warm welcome to Miss Wiejacha. She will be student teaching in Mrs. Warneck’s classroom from early January- late April.


















Pictures of the Week

December 15, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, December 16th

  • ReadWorks article, “The Treasure Hunt” and questions due   
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, December 17th

  • Guyot Special Class: Art
  • Kalis Special Class: Music
  • Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)

Wednesday, December 18th

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, December 19th

Friday, December 20th

  • No backpacks needed
  • November Edmentum Reward: Board Games (Students may bring in non-electronic board games to play with classmates.)
  • Edmentum Trophies due (1 Reading, 1 Math, 1 Language Arts)
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)


English Language Arts

In keeping with the holiday spirit, the third grade classes will be reading holiday-themed books and making crafts that go along with the books. In addition, students will practice our new grammar skill, combining sentences.


Our next ReadWorks article is “The Treasure Hunt”. It was assigned on Tuesday, December 10th and will be due on Monday, December 16th.

Please encourage your child to read the article, use the digital tools to mark up the text, and find evidence when answering the questions. As a class, we will practice test taking strategies while reviewing the answers to the questions together. Students earning less than an 80% will then be provided an opportunity to revise their answers. We are trying to not only encourage students to be more thoughtful when answering questions the first time, but also allowing students to use the modeled strategies in future ReadWorks article assignments. Students that pay attention during the review will do well with this weekly assignment.

**Weekly Homework**

Below is your child’s weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, December 13th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark-up the text” to show evidence of answers. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check. Please do not assist your child with this task. This program is set at your child’s level. If they get answers correct when assisted by an adult, the questions will become too difficult too quickly which will raise a student’s frustration level. When students struggle, not only are we building grit, but also the program will adjust to a lower academic level.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.

**MSTEP Preparation**

On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.

MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #6


Parent Connect

Did you know…students can access their academic progress as well as any missing assignment info too (with your help)!

Please access your Parent Connect account, and your child’s Student Connection PIN and login are listed for you to share with them (see below). This will help build independence and instill a sense of ownership and responsibility for their own learning.

Students can login HERE. This link is also posted in our Google Classroom (see Classlink) for convenience.

Reflex Math

Please remember that mastery of multiplication and division facts is the goal for the end of third grade. The report card will be marked accordingly. Students should be completing a session of ReflexMath daily. We try to fit it in during the school day, but this is not always possible. Please remind your child after school in case it hasn’t been completed yet for the day.


Pictures of the Week

December 8, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, December 9th

  • ReadWorks article, “Learning About Earth” and questions due
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, December 10th

  • Guyot Special Class: Art
  • Kalis Special Class: Music
  • Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)

Wednesday, December 11th

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, December 12th

  • MSTEP Homework Packet #1 due
  • Guyot Special Class: Music
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Warneck Special Class: Art

Friday, December 13th

  • MSTEP Week 5 Vocabulary Quiz & Crossword due
  • Edmentum Trophies due (1 Reading, 1 Math, 1 Language Arts)
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)


English Language Arts



Our next ReadWorks article is “Learning About Earth”. It was assigned on Tuesday, December 3rd and will be due on Monday, December 9th.

Please encourage your child to read the article, use the digital tools to mark up the text, and find evidence when answering the questions. As a class, we will practice test taking strategies while reviewing the answers to the questions together. Students earning less than an 80% will then be provided an opportunity to revise their answers. We are trying to not only encourage students to be more thoughtful when answering questions the first time, but also allowing students to use the modeled strategies in future ReadWorks article assignments. Students that pay attention during the review will do well with this weekly assignment.

**Weekly Homework**

Below is your child’s weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, December 6th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark-up the text” to show evidence of answers. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check. Please do not assist your child with this task. This program is set at your child’s level. If they get answers correct when assisted by an adult, the questions will become too difficult too quickly which will raise a student’s frustration level. When students struggle, not only are we building grit, but also the program will adjust to a lower academic level.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.

**MSTEP Preparation**

On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.

MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #5


Pictures of the Week


December 1, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, December 2nd

  • Kalis & Warneck Holiday Shop Preview
  • ReadWorks article, “The Wind” and questions due
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, December 3rd

  • Wear a Superhero shirt or cape (Please pay $1 donation)
  • Guyot Holiday Shop Preview
    Guyot Special Class: Art
  • Kalis Special Class: Music
  • Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)

Wednesday, December 4th

  • Guyot, Kalis & Warneck Holiday Shop Purchase
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, December 5th

  • Weekly Homework, “We All Need Sleep” due
  • Guyot Special Class: Music
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Warneck Special Class: Art

Friday, December 6th

  • MSTEP Week 4 Vocabulary Quiz & Crossword due
  • Edmentum Trophies due (1 Reading, 1 Math, 1 Language Arts)
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)


English Language Arts

Grammar: Irregular Plural Nouns & Collective Nouns
Spelling: Digraphs

This past week, we introduced our next layer of preparation for the MSTEP test…ReadWorks articles and questions. Students are tasked each week to read the article, use the digital tools to mark up the text, and find evidence when answering the questions. This will be a weekly assignment; scheduled each Monday and due the following Monday.

As a class, we will practice test taking strategies while reviewing the answers to the questions together. Students earning less than an 80% will then be provided an opportunity to revise their answers. We are trying to not only encourage students to be more thoughtful when answering questions the first time, but also allowing students to use the modeled strategies in future ReadWorks article assignments. Students that pay attention during the review will do well with this weekly assignment.

Our first ReadWorks article is “The Wind”. It was assigned on Monday, November 25th and will be due on Monday, December 2nd.

**Weekly Homework**

Below is your child’s weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, November 22nd. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark up the text” to show evidence of answers. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check. Please do not assist your child with this task. This program is set at your child’s level. If they get answers correct when assisted by an adult, the questions will become too difficult too quickly which will raise a student’s frustration level. When students struggle, not only are we building grit, but also the program will adjust to a lower academic level.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.

**MSTEP Preparation**

On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.

MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #4


December Exercise Calendar


International Day of Persons with Disabilities- Dec. 3rd

Allen Park Schools are celebrating by wearing a Superhero shirt and/or cape to school to support all students with a disability! If you would like to participate and wear a superhero shirt and/or cape on Tuesday, December 3rd, we are asking for a $1 donation to our fundraiser.
Thank you for celebrating with us and raising awareness to a great cause!

What is International Day of People with Disabilities?
According to the International Day of People with Disabilities website, this day was designed to recognize and value the diversity of our global community, and to cherish the role we play, regardless of our abilities. It is a day to understand and learn from the experiences of people living with a disability. It is a day for optimism, to look towards the future and the creation of a world where a person is not characterized by their disabilities, but by their abilities. Lastly, a day where all people take on a commitment to create a world characterized by equal human rights.

Why Superhero Themed?
The Cross Categorical classroom would like to recognize all the students with a disability on International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which is observed on December 3rd by having a
superhero themed fundraiser. The superhero theme day will consist of the students and staff wearing a superhero shirt and/or cape to school and bringing in a $1 donation. This theme
would best reflect our students with disabilities. They are the most unique, enthusiastic, intelligent, and creative students.

Where will proceeds be utilized?
The money earned from this day will go directly to the students’ individual needs, including
sensory, social, emotional, and academics. Many students in the cross-categorical classroom
have needs that go beyond that of a student in the general education, and with this proposal the
benefit is twofold. Not only will my students and our classroom benefit directly from the
fundraiser, but this day will also raise awareness to other students the importance of being kind
to everyone, and realizing we are all different in our own way. This day is also an opportunity for
other students to learn about different abilities and how we should treat those who may act or
learn differently from them.


Pictures of the Week



November 24, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, November 25th

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, November 26th

  • No Specials
  • Lake Erie Metropark Field Trip

Wednesday, November 27th

  • No School (Thanksgiving Break)

Thursday, November 28th

  • No School (Thanksgiving Break)

Friday, November 29th

  • No School (Thanksgiving Break)


English Language Arts

For this short week, we will introduce our next layer of preparation for the MSTEP test. Students will be introduced to digital articles and corresponding question sets within ReadWorks. Students are tasked each week to read the article, use the digital tools to mark up the text, and find evidence when answering the questions. This will be a weekly assignment; scheduled each Monday and due the following Monday.

As a class, we will practice test taking strategies while reviewing the answers to the questions together. Students earning less than an 80% will then be provided an opportunity to revise their answers. We are trying to not only encourage students to be more thoughtful when answering questions the first time, but also allowing students to use the modeled strategies in future ReadWorks article assignments. Students that pay attention during the review will do well with this weekly assignment.

Our first ReadWorks article is “The Wind”. It will be assigned on Monday, November 25th and due on Monday, December 2nd.

**Weekly Homework**

Below is your child’s weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, November 22nd. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark up the text” to show evidence of answers. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.

**MSTEP Preparation**

On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.

MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #4


Lake Erie Metropark Field Trip

On Tuesday, November 26th, our third grade classes will be heading to Lake Erie Metropark for the morning to get an up close look at predators and prey. We will be hiking, listening to presentations, and visiting a museum. Students attending should dress for the weather. Please complete the student permission form using the link below:


Many thanks for those who have already provided student permission.

Chaperones are as follows:

Guyot Kalis Warneck
Angelica Blackburn Kristy Varkoly Meaghan Bachman
Melissa Neff Jonathan Miller Patricia Hansen
Michelle Gurgul Dawn Schwartz Susan Henshaw
Angela Scherz Sarah Moss Emillio Botello III
Lindsey Daley Allison Harris Hannah Gomez


International Day of Persons with Disabilities- Dec. 3rd

Allen Park Schools are celebrating by wearing a Superhero shirt and/or cape to school to support all students with a disability! If you would like to participate and wear a superhero shirt and/or cape on Tuesday, December 3rd, we are asking for a $1 donation to our fundraiser.
Thank you for celebrating with us and raising awareness to a great cause!

What is International Day of People with Disabilities?
According to the International Day of People with Disabilities website, this day was designed to recognize and value the diversity of our global community, and to cherish the role we play, regardless of our abilities. It is a day to understand and learn from the experiences of people living with a disability. It is a day for optimism, to look towards the future and the creation of a world where a person is not characterized by their disabilities, but by their abilities. Lastly, a day where all people take on a commitment to create a world characterized by equal human rights.

Why Superhero Themed?
The Cross Categorical classroom would like to recognize all the students with a disability on International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which is observed on December 3rd by having a
superhero themed fundraiser. The superhero theme day will consist of the students and staff wearing a superhero shirt and/or cape to school and bringing in a $1 donation. This theme
would best reflect our students with disabilities. They are the most unique, enthusiastic, intelligent, and creative students.

Where will proceeds be utilized?
The money earned from this day will go directly to the students’ individual needs, including
sensory, social, emotional, and academics. Many students in the cross-categorical classroom
have needs that go beyond that of a student in the general education, and with this proposal the
benefit is twofold. Not only will my students and our classroom benefit directly from the
fundraiser, but this day will also raise awareness to other students the importance of being kind
to everyone, and realizing we are all different in our own way. This day is also an opportunity for
other students to learn about different abilities and how we should treat those who may act or
learn differently from them.


October Super Cougars

Introducing October’s Super Cougars… Angel, Colt, and Cole have proven to be safe, responsible, and respectful students in third grade. They earned Culver’s lunch with Mr. Zielinski. We are so proud of them!



Pictures of the Week

November 17, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, November 18th

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, November 19th

  • Guyot Special Class: Art
  • Kalis Special Class: Music
  • Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)

Wednesday, November 20th

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, November 21st

Friday, November 22nd

  • Metroparks French Fur Trader Presentation
  • MSTEP Week 3 Vocabulary Quiz & Crossword due
  • Edmentum Reward: Pajama Day  (Wear pajamas- Please leave blankets, stuffed toys, and slippers at home.)
  • Edmentum Trophies due (1 Reading, 1 Math, 1 Language Arts)
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)


English Language Arts

**Weekly Homework**

Below is your child’s weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, November 15th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. The sentences are numbered to help guide the reader in answering the questions. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check. Please do not assist your child with this task. This program is set at your child’s level. If they get answers correct when assisted by an adult, the questions will become too difficult too quickly which will raise a student’s frustration level. When students struggle, not only are we building grit, but also the program will adjust to a lower academic level.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.

**MSTEP Preparation**

On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.

MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #3


Chapter 7: Estimate and Round Numbers

In this chapter, your student is learning how to round and estimate numbers. The lessons address how to use a number line and place value to round numbers to the nearest ten or nearest hundred, as well as strategies for using rounding and compatible numbers to estimate sums and differences. The vocabulary words for this chapter are: place value, round, estimate, and compatible numbers.

Your student can practice rounding and estimating numbers on your next shopping trip!

  • Print a blank number line to bring on your next grocery shop. While shopping, look for price tags with two-digit or three-digit numbers. Point out a two-digit number to your student. Ask, “How can you round this number to the nearest ten?” Encourage your student to use the number line. Then, point out a three-digit number to your student. Ask, “How can you round this number to the nearest ten? the nearest hundred?”
  • Next, ask your student to use place value to round numbers to the nearest ten or nearest hundred. Remind them to look at the digit to the right of the place they are rounding. For example, your student might spy a video game priced at $36. Have your student round 36 to the nearest ten by looking at the digit in the ones place (6). Ask, “Is the digit in the ones place less than 5, or is it 5 or greater?” Remind your student that if the digit is 5 or greater, then the digit in the place they are rounding increases by 1. Then, after determining the rounded digit, write zeros for the digits to the right of that digit.
  • Have your student estimate sums and differences while shopping. For instance, they can estimate both the sum and difference of two separate items. Or, when you receive your bill, ask your student to look at the total cost. Point at an item on the bill. Say, “Estimate the total cost if we chose not to buy this item.”

By the end of this chapter, your student should feel confident with the learning targets and success criteria on the next page. Encourage your student to think of other contexts for rounding numbers and estimating quantities, such as estimating whether they have enough money to purchase two separate items.

Have a great time shopping!

Other Resources:

Song: Rounding Rap












Parent Connection & Student Connection

Did you know…students can access their academic progress as well as any missing assignment info too (with your help)!

Please access your Parent Connect account, and your child’s Student Connection PIN and login are listed for you to share with them (see below). This will help build independence and instill a sense of ownership and responsibility for their own learning.

Students can login HERE. This link is also posted in our Google Classroom for convenience.

Field Trip

Our field trip to Lake Erie Metropark will take place the morning of Tuesday, November 26th. All chaperones have been notified of their attendance, and should expect to arrive outside of Door #7 at 8:40am. We will load the bus at that location and continue on to Lake Erie Metropark. We will be both indoors and outdoors for this trip, so it is imperative that chaperones and students dress for the weather. We will return to Arno by 12:20pm right before our scheduled lunch time.

If you have not provided permission for your child to attend this field trip, please click on the link below to do so:



Pictures of the Week


































































November 10, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, November 11th

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, November 12th

  • Guyot Special Class: Art
  • Kalis Special Class: Music
  • Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)

Wednesday, November 13th

  • Smencil Sale
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, November 14th

  • Weekly Homework, “Lazy Day” due
  • Guyot Special Class: Music
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Warneck Special Class: Art

Friday, November 15th

  • MSTEP Week 2 Vocabulary Quiz & Crossword due
  • Edmentum Trophies due (1 Reading, 1 Math, 1 Language Arts)
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)


English Language Arts

Writing Focus: Informational
Grammar Focus: Singular & Plural Nouns
Spelling Focus: Silent Letters and Three Letter Blends

**Weekly Homework**

Below is your child’s weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, November 8th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark-up the text” to show evidence of answers. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.

**MSTEP Preparation**

On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.

MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #2



In this chapter, your student is learning to relate area to multiplication. The lessons address counting unit squares to find the area of a shape, as well as strategies for using multiplication and the Distributive Property to find the area of rectangles and shapes made up of rectangles.

The vocabulary words for this chapter are: area, square unit, and unit square.

One great way to relate area to multiplication is using the squares on a chess or checkers board! 

  • Use a chess or checkers game board and two sheets of paper. Use the two sheets of paper to cover up parts of the game board so only a rectangle is displayed. For starters, you could form a rectangle of 3 rows with 7 squares in each row. Ask your student, “What is the area of this rectangle?” Encourage them to count the squares to find the area in “square units.”
  • Then, encourage your student to think of the rectangle as an array. Place chess or checkers pieces in each square of the rectangle to model an array. Then ask, “How can you use multiplication to find the area of this rectangle?” Have them write down their equation and answer.
  • As your student grows comfortable with using multiplication to find the area of a rectangle, ask them to find the area of a shape made of two rectangles combined. The rectangles should have different lengths and widths. Ask, “How can you find the total area of this shape?” Encourage your student to break apart the shape into the two separate rectangles to find the total area.
  • If you do not have a chess or checkers game board, you and your student can make your own checkers board! Print out a copy from the Internet, and use erasers or other knick-knacks as game pieces.

Encourage your student to think of the ways that they can find the area of a rectangular floor, tiled with one-foot by one-foot square tiles.

Have a great time with your chess or checkers board!


Lake Erie Metropark Field Trip

On Tuesday, November 26th, our third grade classes will be heading to Lake Erie Metropark for the morning to get an up close look at predators and prey. We will be hiking, listening to presentations, and visiting a museum. Students attending should dress for the weather. Please complete the student permission form using the link below:


Many thanks for those who have already provided student permission.

Chaperones are as follows:

Guyot Kalis Warneck
Angelica Blackburn Kristy Varkoly Meaghan Bachman
Melissa Neff Jonathan Miller Patricia Hansen
Michelle Gurgul Dawn Schwartz Susan Henshaw
Angela Scherz Sarah Moss Emillio Botello III
Lindsey Daley OPEN Hannah Gomez


Donation Requests

Trading Simulation Activity

In Social Studies, the students will be learning about the benefits of trading as well as wants, needs, and opportunity costs. We will be having a simulation to help with the understanding of this concept. We are asking for donations of random items that will fit into a brown paper lunch bag. Please be creative. Some suggestions are listed below. Please send in all donations by Friday, November 15th.

Sign Up HERE to Donate


Pictures of the Week

November 3, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, November 4th

  • Kalis Book Fair Preview Day
  • Guyot Book Fair Purchase Day
  • Warneck Book Fair Purchase Day
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, November 5th

  • No School (Election Day & Staff PD)

Wednesday, November 6th

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Parent Teacher Conferences, 5:00-7:30pm

Thursday, November 7th

  • Half Day (11:30am Dismissal)
  • Kalis Book Fair Purchase Day
  • Weekly Homework, “A New Ball Game” due
  • No Specials Classes
  • Parent Teacher Conferences, 12:45-3:15pm & 5:oo-7:30pm

Friday, November 8th

  • MSTEP Week 1 Vocabulary Quiz & Crossword due
  • Edmentum Trophies due (1 Reading, 1 Math, 1 Language Arts)
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)


English Language Arts

**Weekly Homework**

Now that the third grade students are accustomed to the daily expectations within the classroom, we have begun issuing a weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, October 25th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark-up the text” to show evidence of answers. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc.

**MSTEP Preparation**

On Fridays, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. On the following Friday, the students will be quizzed on these words. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle before they take the quiz, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. Students can utilize Reading A-Z (Vocabulary A-Z) to help them study their words independently.

MSTEP Vocabulary & Crossword Week #1


MSTEP Preparation

Dear Third Grade Families,

Your child will be taking the M-STEP assessment this Spring. M-STEP is a 21st Century online test. It is designed to gauge how well students are mastering state standards. In order to help prepare your child to do his/her best on this state assessment, we have some planned activities that take place both at home and at school.

Starting on Friday, November 1st, third graders should bring home 10 M-STEP vocabulary words to study at home and an extra credit crossword puzzle. If students complete and return the extra credit crossword puzzle, they will earn 1 extra credit point on the quiz. On Fridays, the students will be quizzed on these words. Starting in January, after the students have had time to get use to studying for the words and taking the quiz- when your child earns a 80% or better on Friday’s quiz, he/she will earn a charm for his/her M-STEP charm necklace, which is an ongoing reflection of their accomplishments. Every Friday your child will bring home M-STEP vocabulary words and he/she will be quizzed on the following Friday.

Starting on November 25th, in the classroom, we will begin to use an online reading program called ReadWorks. Readworks is a program that requires reading, answering multiple choice questions, and written responses. Readworks passages and questions are similar to what will appear on the M-STEP. 

Also, after the students take the Winter NWEA assessment (end of January) students who reach their personal growth goal will be rewarded during an assembly. 

Starting on Friday, December 6th, your child’s weekly homework will be M-STEP practice packets. If your child earns 80% or better on their M-STEP practice weekly homework, they will also earn a charm towards their M-STEP charm necklace. Homework packets will be sent home on Friday and will be due back to school by the following Thursday.

Thank you for your continued support at home.


Donations Requested: Social Studies Simulation

In Social Studies, the students will be learning about the benefits of trading as well as wants, needs, and opportunity costs. We will be having a simulation to help with the understanding of this concept. We are asking for donations of random items that will fit into a brown paper lunch bag. Please be creative. Some suggestions are listed in the sign up below, but we are also looking for a bit of creativity with your donations of desirable (and maybe not so desirable…LOL) items. Please send in all donations by Monday, November 11th.



Metroparks Field Trip

On Tuesday, November 26th, our third grade classes will be heading to Lake Erie Metropark for the morning to get an up close look at predators and prey. We will be hiking, listening to presentations, and visiting a museum. Students attending should dress for the weather. Please complete the student permission form using the link below:


Many thanks for those who have already provided student permission.


November Exercise Calendar


Pictures of the Week

October 27, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, October 28th

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, October 29th

  • Guyot Special Class: Art
  • Kalis Special Class: Music
  • Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)

Wednesday, October 30th

  • Weekly Homework, “Friends Go Shopping” due
  • Three Fires Metroparks Presentation
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, October 31st

  • Half Day (11:30 Dismissal; Teacher PD in afternoon)
  • Costume Parade 10:00am
  • Wear your costume to school (not required)
  • No specials classes today

Friday, November 1st

  • Edmentum Trophies due (1 Reading, 1 Math, 1 Language Arts)
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)


English Language Arts

This week in writing we will be focusing on producing a writing based upon the theme “Accepting Imperfection”. Please review with your child what this could mean. There are many possible interpretations. Please help your child by brainstorming what they could write about this theme. 

Accepting Imperfection is also the Reflections theme this year. Please click  here to learn more about Reflections. 

**Weekly Homework**

Now that the third grade students are accustomed to the daily expectations within the classroom, we have begun issuing a weekly homework assignment. If your student happens to misplace this assignment, one will always be posted in the blog to print an additional copy. In addition, students are strengthening their time management skills. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this.

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, October 25th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Feel free to “mark-up the text” to show evidence of answers. Thank you!


This year’s focus for Edmentum is earning trophies. Students are encouraged to earn 1 trophy in the area of reading, 1 in the area of math, and 1 in the area of language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students were also shown how to check if they met their trophy goal. Please encourage your child to focus on one trophy at a time. This will help them be more successful on the Progress Check.

Each month, one student from each class is recognized for accomplishing the most trophies.  Grades 2-5 also compete in monthly trophy challenges. Grade levels can earn rewards, such as board game time, Blookit time, pj day, hat day, extra recess, etc. We know third grade will finish out strong in October.


Big Ideas Math Chapter 5: Patterns and Fluency

In this chapter, your student is learning about patterns and fluency. We are using multiplication tables to solve problems and find patterns. One way to find numbers to work with is a number hunt! Look for numbers and groups of items in real life as a reason for using a multiplication table.

• Print out a copy of the multiplication table with factors 1 through 10. Challenge your student to find numbers in everyday life that are listed on the multiplication table. For example, your student might say that there are 63 students in third grade. Ask your student, “What is the quotient of 63 divided by 7?” On their multiplication table, ask them to find 63 in the row of 7. Then ask, “In what column is 63?” Have them explain how this helps them find 63 ÷ 7.

• Make it fun for your student! Challenge them to find several numbers in everyday life. Then, ask them a multiplication or division question related to each number. Encourage them to then solve the question using their multiplication table. For every question they answer correctly, color in the number they found. Consider rewards for correct answers.

• Point out the bicycle rack at your local park. Ask, “How many wheels do these bikes have?” Encourage your student to think of how they can use their multiplication table to answer the question.

• Encourage your student to look for patterns in the multiplication table. Ask, “Which numbers are the same? Do they have the same or different factors? What can you conclude?”

By the end of this chapter, your student should feel confident using a multiplication table and using patterns to solve problems. Encourage your student to use their multiplication table to solve multiplication and division questions. Have a great time scavenger hunting!

Multiplication Table


Schools for Clean Water Contest 2024

We are in the homestretch of the Schools for Clean Water Contest 2024 (Monday, October 14 at 9:00am – Monday, October 28 at 9:00am). Please consider showing your support for Arno Elementary. All you have to do is pledge to oversee a storm drain in your area. This is FREE; no $$ is involved. Our Green Team could be awarded funds to help with our Green School efforts. Thanks in advance for supporting our community. Click HERE to submit your FREE pledge.



Conferences will be on Wednesday, November 6th (5:00-7:30p.m.) and Thursday, November 7th (12:45-3:15p.m. & 5:00-7:30p.m.). Please sign up for only one conference time per child. Because conferences are scheduled in 15 minute increments, please be respectful of others and arrive on time.

Guyot Conference Sign Up

Kalis Conference Sign Up

Warneck Conference Sign Up

If you are unable to attend conferences, please send a note or email to your child’s teacher notifying them that you will not be able to attend conferences and to discuss other possible options. Thank You!


Pictures of the Week