January 14, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, January 15th

  • No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

Tuesday, January 16th

  • 80th Day of School- 80s Dress Up Day
  • ReadWorks Article & Questions (Quirino Cristiani) due
  • Finish Reading/Math NWEA/ NWEA Make Ups
  • Guyot Special Class: Art
  • Kalis Special Class: Music
  • Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)

Wednesday, January 17th

  • New ReadWorks article & questions assigned
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, January 18th

Friday, January 19th

  • No School (Staff Professional Development)

English Language Arts

Due to the shortened week as well as ongoing assessments, our ELA routine must take a pause. Our only quiz this week will be our MSTEP vocabulary Quiz. Please utilize the activities available in RAZ Kids (Vocab A-Z) to help study for Thursday’s quiz.

**MSTEP Homework Packet**

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, January 12th. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Complete sentences should be utilized for short answer type questions. Rewording the question in the answer is a great strategy to ensure a complete sentence. Thank you!

MSTEP Homework Packet #5 due 1/18


Edmentum Challenges run Saturday-Friday. Third grade’s focus is earning trophies as students navigate their individualized learning path. Students are encouraged to earn 2 trophies in the area of reading and 1 trophy in math. Additionally, a weekly trophy challenge is set up in the area of Language Arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students know how to check if they met their trophy goal.


Reflex Math

Please remember that mastery of multiplication and division facts is the goal for the end of third grade. The report card will be marked accordingly. Students should be completing a session of ReflexMath daily. We try to fit it in during the school day, but this is not always possible. Please remind your child after school in case it hasn’t been completed yet for the day. So far, here are the classroom stats:



A Message from the Tech Department…

Automatic updates are pushed out to student chromebooks in the evening. In order for a chromebook to process the automatic update, the chromebook must be shut down and not just simply closed shut. Please have your child sign out and shut down their chromebook completely at night. Having to manually update the chromebook is a timely inconvenience during a student’s school day.

Thank you!

December Super Cougars

Congratulations to our December Super Cougars, Zoe, Ava, and Joaquin. They have gone above and beyond to be responsible, respectful, and safe. They enjoyed their Super Cougar lunch with Mr. Zielinski last week.

Illness & Absences

We are at that time of the year when the weather changes and illnesses are a result. Please remember that your child must be responsible to retrieve any work they missed and turn it in within the time allotted (2 days for every one day absent). Absent work, as well as any materials needed to complete the work, are available on Google Classroom. If a family emergency occurs, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher for additional time.

So many students have been absent recently. Please be sure to check Parent Connect for any missing scores. Many missing scores are simply because a student is absent the day an assignment is due. If a child needs extra copies, they are more than welcome to check at school. Fourth graders need to be responsible for their own absent work. I will not be hounding students for missing assignments. This helps to grow responsible, successful humans.

Please see the document below for ways to stay healthy so that absent work is not an issue. Please continue to alert us of any planned absences, so that I can make sure your child is prepared with any work they may miss.

Family Guide to a Happy and Healthy School Year


Pictures of the Week


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