March 31, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, April 1st

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, April 2nd

Wednesday, April 3rd

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, April 4th

Friday, April 4th

  • Edmentum trophies due
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • MSTEP Vocabulary Week 18 Quiz


English Language Arts 

In third grade we will use an anchor text for 2 weeks. In the first week, students will use the text to build vocabulary knowledge as well as utilize comprehension strategies to understand the text. Both vocabulary knowledge and understanding of the text will be assessed on the first Friday. The second week will focus on spelling, grammar, and writing skills. Spelling words and grammar will be assessed on the second Friday of our story. In addition, students will explore phonetic patterns each week. Grammar and spelling assessments will take place on Friday.


**MSTEP Homework Packet**

This homework assignment was sent home Thursday, March 21st. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Thank you!

MSTEP Homework Packet #15 due 4/4/24


Third grade’s focus is earning trophies as students navigate their individualized learning path. Students are encouraged to earn 2 trophies in the area of reading, 1 trophy in math, and 1 trophy in language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students know how to check if they met their trophy goal.


Illness & Absences

We are at that time of the year when the weather changes and illnesses are a result. Please remember that your child must be responsible to retrieve any work they missed and turn it in within the time allotted (2 days for every one day absent). Absent work, as well as any materials needed to complete the work, are available on Google Classroom. If a family emergency occurs, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher for additional time.

So many students have been absent recently. Please be sure to check Parent Connect for any missing scores. Many missing scores are simply because a student is absent the day an assignment is due. If a child needs extra copies, they are more than welcome to check at school. Third graders need to be responsible for their own absent work. We will not be hounding students for missing work. This helps to grow responsible, successful humans.


Math Chapter 15: Find Perimeter and Area 

In this chapter, your student is learning how to find perimeter and area. Your student will use perimeter to find unknown side lengths of polygons, use area to compare rectangles with the same perimeter, and use perimeter to compare rectangles with the same area. The vocabulary word for this chapter is perimeter.

Build your student’s ability to find perimeter and area on your next trip to the library!

• Before you go to your local library, grab a tape measure or ruler, and a notebook to keep track of your measurements. As you look for books, encourage your student to seek out different-sized books. Once your student has a selection of books, choose one and ask, “How can you find the perimeter of this book?” Have your student measure and record the perimeters of the different books. Remind your student to round to the nearest whole number before adding the side lengths together.
• While your student is measuring the perimeters of different books, measure a book yourself. Note the perimeter, length, and width of the book. Then say to your student, “The perimeter of this book is [x inches] and the length is [x inches]. What is the width?” Encourage your student to find the width without measuring.
• Next, choose one of the perimeters your student found in his or her initial measurements. Ask your student to draw a different rectangle that has the same perimeter. Then ask, “Which has the greater area, the book or your rectangle?”

By the end of this chapter, your student should feel confident with the learning targets and success criteria. Encourage your student to think of other real-life situations in which they can find perimeter and area.

Have a great time at the library!


Reflex Math

Please remember that mastery of multiplication and division facts is the goal for the end of third grade. The report card will be marked accordingly. Students should be completing a session of ReflexMath daily. We try to fit it in during the school day, but this is not always possible. Please remind your child after school in case it hasn’t been completed yet for the day. So far, here are the classroom stats:

Congratulations to Ava Rose. She mastered her multiplication facts up to 12s and has earned his Prodigy login info. Way to go!


Pictures of the Week 

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