March 3, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, March 4th

  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music
  • Read at Night

Tuesday, March 5th

  • Penny Wars
  • Readworks article due (“Sharkskin and Swimsuits” )
  • Guyot Special Class: Art
  • Kalis Special Class: Music
  • Warneck Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)

Wednesday, March 6th

  • Wear it Wednesday: Be a Book Character
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, March 7th

Friday, March 8th

  • End of Second Trimester
  • Edmentum Trophies due
  • MSTEP Vocabulary Week 15 Quiz
  • Guyot Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Kalis Special Class: Art
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Read at Night


English Language Arts 

In third grade we will use an anchor text for 2 weeks. In the first week, students will use the text to build vocabulary knowledge as well as utilize comprehension strategies to understand the text. Both vocabulary knowledge and understanding of the text will be assessed on the first Friday. The second week will focus on spelling, grammar, and writing skills. Spelling words and grammar will be assessed on the second Friday of our story. In addition, students will explore phonetic patterns each week.


**MSTEP Homework Packet**

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, February 2nd. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Thank you!

MSTEP Homework Packet #12 due 3/7/24


Third grade’s focus is earning trophies as students navigate their individualized learning path. Students are encouraged to earn 2 trophies in the area of reading, 1 trophy in math, and 1 trophy in language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students know how to check if they met their trophy goal.


Elementary School Code of Conduct

Just a reminder regarding Arno’s Code of Conduct. We’ve experienced an uptick in dress code infractions. If you could please take a moment to read  over this information with your child, we would greatly appreciate it.

The staff of the Elementary schools expect all students to be neatly and appropriately dressed and groomed at all times while in school and at all school functions. Clothing and general appearance of all students shall be in keeping with the intent of this policy. The spirit of the Allen Park dress and grooming regulations are best reflected in the following two excerpts from the Allen Park Board of Education policy:

“Students are expected to determine their patterns of dress and grooming, provided that such
dress and grooming do not interfere with the health and safety of themselves or others and does
not interfere with the educational process of the school.”

In order to assist students and parents to comply with this provision, the following guidelines have been developed. The school administrator and staff will uphold the following regulations:

1. Clothing should not be so torn or so loose fitting as to be inappropriate or immodest.

2. Students are not to wear items of clothing which have obscene or vulgar statements or
pictures, which promote alcohol, tobacco, or illegal substances. Shirts that convey a
negative attitude should not be worn to school. Also, students should not wear clothing
that promotes violence or fighting; such as “wrestling t-shirts”.

3. Shoes or footwear must be worn at all times. Sandals must be worn with socks. Flip-flops do
not make good shoes for children to wear to school, especially for gym and recess.

4. Hats are not to be worn in the building and must be kept in the student’s
cubby or locker during the school day.

5. Makeup and all other cosmetic products are prohibited. This includes fake fingernails and

6. No bare midriffs, “fishnet” shirts, bare backs, halter tops, spandex, spaghetti straps, low
cut or loose fitting tank shirts or transparent clothing are permitted at any time. However,
sleeveless tops that fit tightly around both the shoulder and the neck will be permitted. In
general, school clothing should be age appropriate and modest.

7. Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be at least fingertip length when one’s arms are extended
straight at one’s sides.

8. Coats and jackets, and other outerwear should not be worn in class.

Exceptions to the above for “special” days may be declared by the administration.

These guidelines are offered as general statements so that students and parents can select and purchase clothing appropriate to the school environment. As in most other things, good judgment
and common sense are the ultimate standards.

Students who arrive at school inappropriately dressed will be referred to the principal and asked to remedy the problem. This may involve being sent home to change a particular article of clothing.


Reflex Math

Please remember that mastery of multiplication and division facts is the goal for the end of third grade. The report card will be marked accordingly. Students should be completing a session of ReflexMath daily. We try to fit it in during the school day, but this is not always possible. Please remind your child after school in case it hasn’t been completed yet for the day. So far, here are the classroom stats:

Congratulations to Ryan. He mastered his multiplication facts up to 12s and has earned his Prodigy login info. Way to go!


March is Reading Month! (MIRM)

This year to celebrate March is Reading Month, our entire school will be “reading around the world”, by reading books that take place on the various continents or books that teach us about each continent. In class, students will be keeping track of their “travels” in their own personal reading passport!  Read around the world with us at home using the travel itinerary below! Each week, find a book about or from each of the continents listed below. 

Travel Itinerary  

March 2-8: Asia

March 11-14: Europe

March 18-22: Africa & Australia


Track Your “Travels” at Home!

Keep track of all of your reading at home using the attached map. For each book you read at home, color in a piece of a continent.  Books do not have be from or about any specific continent to count. Use the attached reading log to record any reading your child does at home. Try to fill as many continents as possible before March 22! Students who return the completed map during the week of March 18-22 will get to take a picture with their map to be posted on the Arno Caring Cougar Facebook Page.

Around the World Map & Log


Pictures of the Week


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