March 10, 2024

Coming Soon…

Monday, March 11th

  • Magic of Stories Assembly; Book Order Forms Due
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)
  • Kalis Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Warneck Special Class: Music

Tuesday, March 12th

Wednesday, March 13th

  • Wear it Wednesday: Wear a hat with words on it
  • Smencils Sale ($2 per Smencil, $3 per Smen)
  • Guyot Special Class: Media Literature (Library)
  • Kalis Special Class: Physical Education (Gym)
  • Warneck Special Class: Media Technology (Computers)

Thursday, March 14th

Friday, March 15th

  • No School (Staff Professional Development)

English Language Arts 

In third grade we will use an anchor text for 2 weeks. In the first week, students will use the text to build vocabulary knowledge as well as utilize comprehension strategies to understand the text. Both vocabulary knowledge and understanding of the text will be assessed on the first Friday. The second week will focus on spelling, grammar, and writing skills. Spelling words and grammar will be assessed on the second Friday of our story. In addition, students will explore phonetic patterns each week. Please note that vocabulary words are listed in the graphic below.


**MSTEP Homework Packet**

This homework assignment was sent home Friday, February 2nd. Please stress the skills of reading the passages and looking back in the story to answer the questions. Thank you!

MSTEP Homework Packet #13 due 3/14/23


Third grade’s focus is earning trophies as students navigate their individualized learning path. Students are encouraged to earn 2 trophies in the area of reading, 1 trophy in math, and 1 trophy in language arts. Trophies are earned by completing a Progress Check with 80% or higher. Students know how to check if they met their trophy goal.

Chapter 13: Classify Two-Dimensional Shapes

Dear Family,

In this chapter, your student is learning how to classify two-dimensional shapes. The lessons address how to identify parallel sides and right angles of quadrilaterals, as well
as how to describe, classify, and draw quadrilaterals.
The vocabulary words for this chapter are: angle, parallel sides, parallelogram, polygon, quadrilateral, rectangle, rhombus, right angle, side, square, trapezoid, and vertex. Build your student’s ability to classify two-dimensional shapes on your next road trip!

  • On your next road trip, encourage your student to take note of road signs along your route. For this chapter, your student is focusing on quadrilaterals, which are shapes with four sides. While traveling, help your student keep an eye out for quadrilaterals with different side lengths and angles. When your student spies a road sign, ask, “How many right angles does the shape have? How many pairs of parallel sides?” Then, ask your student to name the quadrilateral. Remind your student that a quadrilateral can have more than one name.
  • Make your road trip a visual scavenger hunt! Encourage your student to find examples of the following quadrilaterals: trapezoid (exactly 1 pair of parallel sides), parallelogram (2 pairs of parallel sides), rectangle (2 pairs of parallel sides, 4 right angles), rhombus (2 pairs of parallel sides, 4 equal sides), and square (2 pairs of parallel sides, 4 equal sides, and 4 equal angles). Once your student has spied two different quadrilaterals, ask, “How are they alike? How are they different?”
  • If your student hasn’t spied all of the quadrilaterals, he or she can draw a road sign using the missing quadrilateral shape! After drawing the road sign, ask your student to explain why this quadrilateral is different from another quadrilateral. For example, if your student draws a trapezoid road sign, ask him or her to explain why this shape is not a square. By the end of this chapter, your student should feel confident with the learning targets and success criteria on the next page. Encourage your student to classify quadrilaterals by each correct name and to explain their reasoning for each name.

Have a great time at your next road trip!


March is Reading Month! (MIRM)

This year to celebrate March is Reading Month, our entire school will be “reading around the world”, by reading books that take place on the various continents or books that teach us about each continent. In class, students will be keeping track of their “travels” in their own personal reading passport!  Read around the world with us at home using the travel itinerary below! Each week, find a book about or from each of the continents listed below. 

Travel Itinerary  

March 11-14: Europe

March 18-22: Africa & Australia


Track Your “Travels” at Home!

Keep track of all of your reading at home using the attached map. For each book you read at home, color in a piece of a continent.  Books do not have be from or about any specific continent to count. Use the attached reading log to record any reading your child does at home. Try to fill as many continents as possible before March 22! Students who return the completed map during the week of March 18-22 will get to take a picture with their map to be posted on the Arno Caring Cougar Facebook Page.

Around the World Map & Log

February Super Cougars

Congratulations to our February Super Cougars, Dominick, Averie, and Nola. They have gone above and beyond to be responsible, respectful, and safe. They enjoyed their Super Cougar lunch with Mr. Zielinski last week.


Pictures of the Week 

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